Activities for bored or busy dogs (1)

Food Puzzles can offer a relatively-hands-off activity for young, busy, or bored dogs. Pictured is one meal split up into 3 separate activities, two “slow feed” bowls (made by Outward Hound ), and a repurposed soft carboard box.

please make sure this activity is appropriate for your dog, and always supervise them!

For an added level of difficulty, try spreading out each piece in a room or small area for your dog to “find”; as they get better at searching and puzzling out their food, consider increasing the challenge: freeze a bit of kibble in water in the bottom of the dishes, spread out each activity/choose a more tricky hiding spot, add a bit of paper to the box (so they have to pull it out to get to the kibble)

Malli Hutchings is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer located on the Southern End of Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.